72 | Carving your own path as an International Student

This is Part 2 of Carving your own path as an international student with Christopher Evelyn. If you haven’t heard Part 1 yet, go back and listen to it. That is the episode right before this because you’d need that for context. Now let’s dive right into Part 2 of Carving your own path as an international student with Christopher Evelyn.

Have you ever felt weird?

It’s as if everyone was doing one thing, and here you were, doing something completely different. Whenever you choose to do something different — whether it’s moving somewhere abroad, starting a business, or embarking on a personal journey — someone, somewhere will have an opinion.

And often, the opinion won’t be positive. If it’s something unusual, your family and friends will express their concerns or try to convince you to do something else. Strangers might give you that wary sideways glance and wonder about you.

But if you want to be extraordinary, that means doing something out of the ordinary. So, accept that doing something for yourself might make other people uncomfortable.

This week’s episode is all about how you can carve your own path as an International student. I discussed extensively with Christopher how failure can lead to success, how to thrive in the face of uncertainties, and much more.

Chris Evelyn is the Chief of Staff to Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development. Born and raised in Barbados before moving to Canada at age 16, he is the second Black Canadian to hold the post of Chief of Staff to a federal Minister in the Trudeau government.

Chris has been working in politics for the past six years, serving in a number of roles including policy advisor, and Director of Operations and Outreach. He has overseen projects that aim to end gender-based violence in Canada, led the policy work to make voting easier and more inclusive, and was recently a lead in the launch of Canada’s largest-ever broadband internet connectivity program.

He currently sits on the Board of the Kanata Carleton Federal Liberal Association and the Kanata Food Cupboard.

Chris has a Bachelor’s degree in History and International Political Economy and two Masters degrees: one in History from Trent University and another in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University.

This is one episode you should not miss and share with everyone you love.

Thanks so much for joining me again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this session with Christopher EVelyn, let him know by clicking on the link below and sending him a quick shout out on LinkedIn:

Click here to thank Christopher Evelyn on LinkedIn!

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Special thanks to Chris for joining us this week. Until next time!

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