Career Planning Workshop

This workshop is designed to help you increase your self-awareness, focus that newfound awareness on your career, and create a concrete career advancement vision.

You can’t build a career with a hazy vision of the future. To start a “upward spiral,” you must first define your own set of work values and visualise the type of person you want to be.

In this workshop, you will thoroughly examine your own values and career path with the assistance of other workshop participants with diverse experiences and perspectives. It is practical to re-examine your career and develop a “career vision” once every few years, or when significant events such as promotions, etc. occur.

Event Objective

  • Discover more about career advancement.
  • Develop an understanding of your own personal set of values and motivators.
  • Recognize your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Analyze and verbalise previous successes in order to find hints for the future.
  • Enhance job satisfaction

Target Audience

  • Internationally Trained Professionals
  • International students
  • Anyone who wants to improve his or her own performance within their organisation by leveraging his or her previous experience.
  • Anyone who wants to create a career plan and increase his or her employability by assessing his or her skills and experience.

Event Timelines

Welcome, background/context, introductions
Introduce the concept of OKRs (what is it?, how can I use it to set career goals?)
Include a short video excerpt from John Doerr’s TEDTalk. • Introduce a simple to use template (What, Why & how will you know you’re successful) • Share links for additional resources
Small group activity (using breakout rooms, 3-5 people per group)
• Build a Career OKR (pick a horizon 3,6,12 month) • Share within your group (include feedback)
Main room demo
Invite 2-3 volunteers to share their goals & provide immediate coaching
Wrap-up, thank you, what’s next
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.
Total Seats: 1000 (965 Left:)

Event Schedule Details

  • February 9, 2022 5:30 pm   -   February 10, 2022 6:30 pm
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